Monumenten vormen natuurlijk een belangrijke bron voor onze geschiedenis. Met monumenten duiden we gebouwen aan die een monumentstatus hebben of dit verdienen. Er zijn 34 rijksmonumenten in Nuenen, 3 in Gerwen en 8 in Nederwetten. Nuenen telt 52 gemeentelijke monumenten, Gerwen 4 en Nederwetten 13. Er zijn vier gemeentelijke dorpsgezichten en één rijksbeschermd dorpsgezicht.
Komend jaar willen we de wederopbouwarchitectuur in kaart brengen.
We volgen de ontwikkelingen rond de monumenten en de historisch stedenbouwkundige structuur in de gemeente en proberen zo nodig bij te sturen. Verder proberen we monumenten onder de aandacht te brengen door middel van publicaties. Zo is er in 2017 een boek uitgebracht over het Klooster. Het organiseren van de Open Monumentendag in het tweede weekend van september is een jaarlijks terugkerende activiteit.
De werkgroep Monumenten en Archeologie bestaat (eind 2021) uit drie leden. De leden hebben regelmatig contact met de gemeente op het gebied van het cultureel erfgoedbeleid.
We zouden graag nog meer activiteiten ontwikkelen, zoals rond Torendag, behoud van de resten van het Klooster Hooidonk, inventarisaties, educatie op scholen e.d. Maar daarvoor is uitbreiding, al dan niet op projectbasis, dringend gewenst.
De monumenten op deze website zijn onderverdeeld in 6 groepen:
- Door overheid en gemeente geregistreerde monumenten.
- Oude afgebroken gebouwen die een plaats op de monumentenlijst verdienen.
- Monumenten van het project Terugbeeld.
- Informatieborden (voormalige ANWB-borden).
- Oorlogsmonument (herdenkingsroute)
- Overige monumenten (beelden etc.).
Tevens was er nog het project ‘Monument van de maand 2018’. Klik op: Monument van de maand
De monumenten (excl. de Terugbeeld Informatiezuilen en Informatieborden) worden te zijner tijd ondergebracht in het collectiesysteem.
Soorten monumenten
SINT-CLEMENSKERKHeuvel 21, GerwenA stone hall church was built here between 1350 and 1400. Between 1420 and 1440 it was replaced by a simple cross church with a defensible west tower. The current church of the basilica type with three bays dates from 1620....
SINT-ANTONIUSKAPELStationsweg ong. EeneindBuilt in 1987 as a reminder of the Opwetten chapel that was built there in 1450 and served until 1915. The chapel is dedicated to Saint Anthony Abbot, patron of the Antonius Guild, the guild that manages the...
RAADHUISBerg 29, NuenenBuilt in 1874 and used as the town hall of Nuenen, Gerwen and Nederwetten until 1953. Initially, this also housed a jail, the municipal fire engine and the butter mine. Under the overhanging roof is the sandstone former municipal...
OUDE TORENKerkhoef ong. NederwettenThis is the tower of the 15th-century parish church of Nederwetten. The first parish church was founded here in 1250 by the priory of Hooidonk. From 1756 to 1792 the town hall of the municipality of Nederwetten was also in the...
OPWETTENSE WATERMOLENOpwettenseweg 203, NuenenThe history of this corn, oil and sawmill on the Kleine Dommel dates back to the 11th century. The current buildings date from 1743. The water wheel has a diameter of 9.3 meters and is therefore the largest in...
NUNE VILLEBerg 24 NuenenThis building with framed façade in the style of the 18th century was built in 1874 on behalf of Rev. Willem Begemann. His daughter Margot had a short-lived and tragic relationship with her neighbor Vincent van Gogh in 1884. From 1923 to...
LINDEBOOMBerg ong. NuenenThe linden tree was planted in the seventeenth century. The linden tree has a storey construction and belongs to the oldest and biggest trees in the Netherlands (size of the tree trunk is 6.5 meter). The fence was built in 1889 by the two...
KOSTERSHUISJEBerg 40, NuenenBuilt as a weaver's house in the 18th century. The first occupant was Hendrik Spee. Characteristics applied by the builder can still be seen on the original wooden pillars in the house. Later it was called the 'verger's house'because the...
HUIZE DE ROOSDONCKBroekdijk 1, NuenenBuilt in 1932 by order of the mayor of Nuenen, Gerwen and Nederwetten, Mr. Cees van Rijckevorsel, under the architecture of Cornelis Roffelsen. The country house is designed in a historicizing architectural style with...
HOOIDONKSE WATERMOLENHooidonk 8, NederwettenThe weir and the water mill were built on a branch of the Dommel. The foundations of the mill probably date back to the mid-ninth century. The mill was destroyed by fire in 1564 and then rebuilt. It consists of two...
HET KLOOSTERPark1, NuenenThe St. Elisabeths Institute was founded in 1885 by pastor Wilhelmus van Lent. Johannes Heijkants from Erp was the architect. The land was acquired by the bishop Jacobus Cuijten, who was born in Nuenen. In 1887, Sisters of the Congregation...
H. KRUISPARK HOOIDONKHooidonk ong. NederwettenIn 1244, according to a statement by Bishop Boniface of Lausanne, the 'Miracle of Hooidonk' happened here with a splinter of the Holy Cross.That miracle happened at the inauguration of the chapel of the priory. The...
H. CLEMENSKERKPark 53, NuenenThe church, built in neo-Gothic style, was built in 1872 to replace the barn church that stood on the current church square. Pastor Wilhelmus van Lent commissioned architect Carl Weber from Roermond to design the church. There are three...
GEMEENTEHUISPapenvoort 15, NuenenBuilt in 1930 as 'country estate Den Bergh' by Duco Lodewijk Willem Baron van Hardenbroek van de Kleine Lindt. Since 1953, under mayor Jhr. C.Th.J van Rijckevorsel, this villa was the town hall. This was expanded in 1969 and 1982. In...
DORPSSCHOOLHeuvel 5, GerwenThis school was built in 1929 in the style of the Amsterdam School under the architecture of Lambert de Vries from Helmond. Characteristic of the Amsterdam School is the use of a lot of brick and the application of decorations...
DOMINEESHUISBerg 26, NuenenAccording to the wall anchors built in 1764 when the municipality of Nuenen was forced to build a new home for the pastor. The parsonage has had a number of special residents. For example, from 1882 to 1885, Theodorus van Gogh...
DE VANKKerkstraat 7, NuenenThis former parish house De Vank with adjacent caretaker's house was built in 1940 on the initiative of pastor Aldenhuijsen, and on behalf of the board of the St. Clemens Parish. Cees de Bever was the architect. The buildings were built...
BIERBROUWERIJ ‘DE KROON’Park 63/63a, NuenenIn 1832, the Cooperage of Peter Coolen was here. In 1855 it became Johannes van Coll's farm and in 1879 it became a house (left) with a brewery (right). The brewery was taken over by Janus Prinsen in 1891 and was given...